
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Emptying the Mind

The following is my COMMENT to the video titled Empty Mind by Brahmarshi Patrion the Speaking Tree: 

This is a great explanation. Very great Patri Ji. 

Being empty means not to have preconceived ideas. Being empty means not to have a prejudiced mind. Being empty means to have an attitude of receptivity and learning. 

Patri Ji says learning, learning, learning, ............. Even in an astral body we are learning. This is really great !! But there are many fake Gurus, Swamis, and Pandits who claim to be great learned ones. They claim to be knowledgeable. This is a sheer stupidity. They have arrived at a dead-end. Enlightenment is a beginning of true learning. Enlightenment means now there is only knowing and there is no knower. You are a pure witness. You are a “Shuddha Chetana”. You are a pure consciousness. And this experience is enlightenment.

The literal meaning of Veda is knowing. It is a state when the knower is no more but only a pure state of knowing. On the path of learning there are three things: Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn. If the learning is new and fresh, and if there is no space in the mind, then empty the mind to relearn. So, these three things, that is, learning, unlearning, and relearning have to happen continuously and simultaneously. 

This is where Socrates says, “The only thing I know is that I know nothing”. And what do we do? We poison him. When we kill a genius we kill ourselves. We must never forget this. 

Patri Ji says not to waste our time. See, if we are interested to experience timelessness or eternity then we can not afford to waste our time. We should neither waste our time nor should waste other’s time. Everybody is free to be ignorant or wise. It is everybody’s choice. 

I learn only when I have the courage to say that I don’t know. This is being empty, and always. Thanks :)